ok langsai hutang lu BPRJ..
Okay, here’s the rule :
Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below.
Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.
After that tag 7 people.
– The age of next birthday –

- Place i'd like to travel -

places full of nature, historical and architectural..
- Fav place -

hanging out places..lepak2 tngk org lalu-lalang, tngk kerenah mcm2 manusia..
- Fav food -

daging la siak..tp bende plg aku nak mkn blk nnt ialah karipap cicah dgn sambal..perghhh..
- Fav thing -

bile nak dpt nih...
- Nickname I had -

- Fav colour -

tp aku xdelah ke hulu hilir pakai brg warne ungu..cacat ape..aku just suke warne nih..
- College major -

yeah engineering walaupun skang aku rase nak jd designer..
- Name of my love -

name die ayu..maintenance tinggi la siak...
- Bad habit -

aku xsuke tido tp skali da tido lame giler..
- Wish list -

- Tag 7 ppl -
photo captions:zaman awal2 main kamera dulu..2thn lps kot..huduh giler sbenarnye..bergegar2..gambar time sunset kat playground..langit sngt cantikkan? pink2 purple sket..
gua pun nak jadi designer! hahaha
haha jom..
haha..napee??kau suke hitam ngan merah kan..campur jd ungu dowh...
terjatuh kerusi aku gelak!
sakit x??arnie..bab mane u ketawe nih..
yang bab "nickname i had"..
tak menahan!
owhoo..tulaa..derang suke panggil i cute hahaha...
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