slain mengarut dan tidak mencarut..this blog as a whole is a gallery for my photos..some galleries are wordless but mine is not..sbb saye suke mengarut dan tidak mencarut..i like to have conversations with the viewers..giving em the real situation view of the pohotos ive taken and the experiences i went through...
last autumn (is indeed my last one) prof lab aku antar aku g global conferences kat takayama..a beautiful city 2jam dgn highway dr tmpt aku(tah brape jam kalau budakjahat jogging)..pejadah la die antar aku bkn bole sumbang pape pun tp sbb da kene suruh nak wat camner..anyway as a photographer(eceh suke ati jer padehal hobi jer) its actually a good chance to get a good snap...
awal2 nek bas da xsedap hati..da la hampir seme tua2 blake masing2 pakai suit...aku dgn releknye pakai mcm pegi klas tiap2 hari..dgn suar jeans and snicker...uff...ah g mampus...smpai takayama mlm tue check in hostel..pas mkn aku trus jln srg2 kat bandar lame die...snap mane2 menarik sambil dngr ipod(kate srg2)..
esoknye pegi conference..tujuan utame conference nie utk same2 mencari jln menjadikan dunie tmpt yg selese utk didiami..peace.harmony.no violence.eco loving world.hmmm...2hari kat situ berkenalan ngan ramai org mostly org asing..berbekalkan english yg da 4thn xgune mmg mcm haram...at least bole la communicate xde la tongong..berbekalkan ilmu tentang isu semase yg cetek aku take part dlm workshop about environmental degradation and climate change..bunyi mmg gempak..and theres performances too by local dance group..
other than the beautiful old city of takayama and the photos ive taken everything else seems like a nightmare.setiap hari kat sane dipenuhi dgn cacian dan makian jauh di sudut hati..(kan da kate aku tidak biadab tp aku ngaku aku hipokrit) ;)
u duduk jepun ke?
hahaa,, same la kite
suke mengarut tapi tak mencarut
aa study sini, nak kat abis da pun..
eh x same ar..kamu pengawas sy bkn..
sbelum balik, jgn lupe bli slipar jepun satu bawak balik!
selipar jpn sile beli di kedai apek ye..sini xjual..
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